Centre for Child Development and Behaviour


The Centre for Child Development and Behaviour (CCDB) is a part of the Icelandic national health care system. Although it belongs to the Primary Health Care of the  Capital Area it serves the whole country.


It´s main role as a specialized service centre is interdisciplinary assessment of neurodevelopmental, behavioural, and emotional problems and disorders in children aged 6-18 years, the provision of medical and group CBT treatment for children, and counselling for parents and professionals. The centre offers professional training, internship and supervision, participates in research projects and produces information for service development.

The CCDB receives referrals mainly from specialized services attached to the educational system. The referrals for neurodevelopmental assessment include outcomes from general screening instruments for psychopathology as well as ASD specific screening instruments and cognitive tests.

At the CCDB the children are examined by a paediatrician and a clinical child psychologist, and other professions according to needs. The diagnosis of neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders rest on physical examination, neurological evaluation, thorough history and the use of best available diagnostic interviews and tests, such as the Kiddie-SADS, ADIS, ADOS, ADI-R and CBT, other common screening instruments (ADHD rating scale, SDQ, ASSQ, SCQ) as well as various information contained in the referral.